Harvest Festival 2022
Epiphany 2
Today we welcome back the Revd. Adrian Bell who will take our service and preach the homily. It’s good to have you with us, Adrian. + In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AmenThe Greeting: Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with…
Read MoreBaptism of Christ / Epiphany 1
Baptism of Christ / Epiphany 1 (waylandermagazine.org) + In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen The Greeting: Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and also with you. Prayer of Preparation: Almighty God,to whom all hearts are open, all desires…
Read MoreLavender’s Lunch is Back!
What better way to celebrate life starting to get back to normal than coming to College Farm on Sunday 5th September for Lavender’s Lunch. Although life will never be quite the same again, we feel it is time to reinstate Lavender’s Lunch and invite you all to join us from 12.00 noon on Sunday 5th…
Read More2nd Sunday after Epiphany 17th January
Welcome to our service today. This on-line service will continue for the foreseeable future. Many thanks to Bella Sandcraft and Karen Allen who have proof-read this service! It is very sad that we are unable to have services at church at the moment but I will keep you posted, as everything is changing very quickly.…
Read MoreThe Baptism of Christ – 1st Sunday after Epiphany 10th January
Welcome to our service today. This on-line service will continue for the foreseeable future. Many thanks to Bella Sandcraft and Karen Allen who have proof-read this service! It is very sad that we are unable to have services in church at the moment but I will keep you posted, as everything is changing very quickly. …
Read MoreChristmas 2: 3rd January 2021
Welcome to our service today. This on-line service will continue for the foreseeable future and at least until 6th February when the situation will be reviewed. Our priority is to keep everyone safe for now. Please be assured of our prayers at this time when greater restrictions on our movements have returned and we do…
Read MoreJanuary Message from Adrian
Happy New Year May I begin my wishing you all a Happy New Year and thank you for all your help and support during the last year. I know that it has been a most difficult year for so many people in our community but we must face the future with hope and the assurance…
Read MoreWinter Memories
Winter Memories from Bronwen Tyler The recent prediction by scientists that snow in most parts of Britain may become a thing of the past, prompted some thoughts about winters in years gone by. We do not have a lot of written evidence of winter in long ago Thompson, other than an entry in the parish…
Read MoreChristmas Past in Thompson
What was Christmas like in Thompson years ago and what traditions were followed here? Thompson was an agricultural village with not a great deal of money to spend on luxuries so Christmas would have been a simple affair. Our first written information is from the school log books, which date from 1874, although the school…
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